
Sunday 26 February 2012

Bath Bomb Moulds - Grab a Free One

This is a picture of a bath bomb made with our gigantic 2 part mould

Alongside our 10cm beastie sits a 4cm mini bath bomb for comparison

The bath bombs made with this mould will weigh around 500g (Yes, you did read that right)
Undeniably HUGE. 

But what a fabulous centre piece to your next craft fair table? It can't fail to draw people in, provide a talking point and added interest for anyone browsing your wares.

If you're making Bath Bombs for gifts then this would be the ultimate pressie.

Using a mould of this size requires previous experience but the impact the finished bath bomb will make will be worth the amount of ingredient required.

Many of our customers have tried these and used them successfully but we thought it would be fab to give some more of you the opportunity to grab one of these for FREE - the perfect excuse to have a go!

Pop along to Ltd's Facebook page and for the next 24 hours, anyone placing a website order and clicking Like on our page will receive one 2 part mould completely free.  Let us know by posting on the page.

Offer open until midnight Monday 27th February.


  1. we've entered! We have a pamper party end of March so am sure something like that would draw attention lol!!!

  2. I think it will work really well for you - it's definitely no shrinking violet and always gets peoples attention :)
