
Tuesday 6 March 2012

February's Fan of the Week Winner

February's Fan of the week winners were...

1)Celine Blacow 2)Chrissy Wilson 3)Jimi-James 4)Suzi Rahmann

All four numbers were popped into the random number generator

And out popped number 1!

Well done Celine, your virtual tenner to spend on the website will shortly be winging its way to you :)

If you'd like a chance to grab a free tenner, all that you need to do is take part in our Facebook page - post comments, like photos, join in with the chit chat...

Every month we enter the weekly winners into the random number generator to choose a winner.  Easy as that and great odds too :)

See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Whooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo!!!!! I'm sooooo thrilled and I was planning to buy stuff from you anyway so yayyyyyy!! Thank you SO much! I never win anything xxx
