
Sunday 19 February 2012

Open Day Fun

Saturday 11th of Feb "The Grand Open Day" arrived! 

I can't quite believe it's now a little over a week since we opened the doors of the newly converted workshop room.  

What a lovely day we all had, it was fantastic to meet new friends and old.  

Here's a few of the photos from the day.

10 o'clock and we were ready! The new (old) furniture had been painted & waxed, the floor fitted, samples put on display, kits made up for inspection, tables moved and moved again, an urn borrowed, a skip sent packing, paintbrushes washed and put away, signs made and name but a few of the items on the "to do" list - phew!


And so, after a couple of (mad) weeks of converting the office-that-was (always thought it was too grand for an office) by an amazing team of people...

Friends old and new came to say hello

And have a go at a bit of hands on making 

(We seemed to make a lot of very pink things!)

 And to chat over cake and coffee about bath bombs, soaps, fragrance, supplies, oils... chemistry and much more!

A good time was had by all, we loved throwing open the doors and will be doing it again very soon.

Pencilled into the diary is Saturday 24th March or Saturday 31st March - what do you think? Perhaps you'd comment below and let us know - we'd love to see you!

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