
Thursday 5 May 2011

Competition Round Up

As some of you may be aware, as a business we've entered the Barclays Take One Small Step Competition.   As we've excitedly tweeted, Facebook posted, Blogged and madly chattered to anyone and everyone for a couple of weeks now about the competition, I thought it best to have a round up and clarify what will happen when and why!

If you haven't already, please please PLEASE take a look at our entry and comment or like it if you've got some time.  We would really appreciate your feedback and input throughout this exciting process not least because you, our customers and friends, have shaped our business just as much as we who physically work here.  In fact it could be said that the impetus for entering the competition itself has come from the enthusiastic feedback we always receive from you guys whether we're discussing products, ideas, or just life in general! Thank you :)

So now that entry to the competition is closed, this is an overview of the whole process;

April 7th-27th - Competition is open, entries are submitted by hopeful businesses.  Full details of their business idea is sent to the judges along with a small public paragraph of information and a video if desired.  (or in our case if it doesnt fail on upload)  Entries that comply with the competitions terms and conditions then appear on the Take One Small Step wesbite within 48 hours of submission.

April 28th - May 29th - A panel of judges prepares the shortlist from the many entries received.  From each of the nine regions throughout the UK there will be three shortlisted business chosen to go through to the next stage of the competition.

30th May - 26th June - Public voting takes place.

27th June - 19th July - Votes are counted

22nd July - Winners announced - 1 for each of the nine Barclay's Regions in the UK.

Of course it doesn't end there for the winners; part of the attraction of this competition is the support and guidance given by Barclays to the winners to enable them to achieve their goals.  Ok, that and £50,000 of debt free funding for your business!

So we don't have too long to wait, for news about getting through to the voting stage.  Whether we make it or not, we will be fully supporting the remaining stages and we're very excited to see the winners from all regions and follow their progress over the coming months.

For those who missed it and because we're very proud of it, here's that video again which is important to view together with the written public part of the entry here

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